Monday, September 25, 2006

The Good, The Bad, and The Beautiful (9/25/2006)

Hello to All,

In his book "When Heaven is Silent" Ron Dunn writes, "Good and bad run on parallel tracks, and they usually arrive about the same time."

Cancer was evil this week, but God has countered with good.

The Bad. We met with the doctor on Friday to learn the results of the MRI and bone scan. Both tests confirmed that the cancer had spread to her pelvic bones and to her spine.
The Good. Though the tumors are in a number of her vertebrae, the cancer has not invaded the spinal column that surrounds her spinal cord. Also, there is no immediate danger of bone breakage.

The Bad. A mom separated from her kids, husband, home, and friends.
The Good. A surrogate family and several friends in Houston.
The Good. A road trip by the four kids, well-stocked with junk food from friends, to spend the weekend with Ann. We waded in the waves and played football on the beach on Saturday.
The Good. A road trip back to Dallas with Ann in the front seat. Much to the surprise of the kids, the doctor had released Ann to go home early because her blood counts had rebounded.

The Bad. Ann's hair began to fall out over the weekend.
The Good. The chemo is killing fast growing cells in her body, like hair and cancer.
The Beautiful. Joan, Laurie, and Shayne gave Ann a "trim" and then took her to Starbucks for comfort. Her new hair looks great.

Romans 8:28:
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose.

The Kids:
  • We will learn the results of Paul's bone marrow biopsy on Friday.
  • Drew's liver and heart are both clear.
  • Hannah will have arthroscopic surgery on her knee on October 9th.
  • We continue to hide Matt from all medical personnel.
Prayer Requests:
  • That Ann could enjoy being a mom for a few days without acting like a mom.
  • That the chemo would halt the growth of the tumors.
  • That God would heal Ann so that she can know our grandchildren.

Thank you all for your prayer and concern.

In Christ,
Howard & Ann

Thursday, September 21, 2006

What's Up with the Kids? (9/21/2006)


Ann warned me that my last email was too brief. Based on some of your responses, I guess I should have listened to her.

Hannah hurt her knee sometime this summer and appears to have aggravated it this fall in volleyball. We went to the family doctor who sent us to an orthopedic one. He suspects that her swelling is caused by “placa” (swollen tissue) in her knee and ordered an MRI to confirm this. We will find out the results on Wednesday. A scope procedure on her knee may be required.

The family doctor found two abnormalities with Drew at his annual physical. His blood work showed a possible problem with his liver in that his bilirubin counts were high. They were normal when tested again last Thursday. Also, his heart appeared to have some abnormal thickening in the walls so he sent us to a cardiologist. Drew had an echocardiogram today and the cardiologist confirmed that his heart was functioning perfectly. The thickening is typical of young athletes.

The family doctor found that Paul’s platelets were elevated this summer. They remained at an elevated level when he rechecked them a few weeks ago, so he sent us to a hematologist last Friday. That doctor said the slightly elevated levels were common in teenagers and that he did not suspect any problems. However, he ordered a bone marrow biopsy just to be safe. We find out the results of that test a week from Friday.

Matt will not be getting a physical anytime soon.

Thank you all for your love, concern, and prayers.

In Christ,

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Good Wig Hunting & More Testing (9/17/2006)

Hello from Houston & Dallas,

From Houston:
Ann had a good week this week and is regularly encouraged by emails, cards, and phone calls. She is well cared for by her new friends, but misses being home with us. She is completing her first of two weeks of “rest” between chemo treatments. She has felt well physically and only had slight nausea on a few days. Ann handled her MRI courageously and without incident.

The highlight of the week was the visit by two friends from the neighborhood who brought Hannah. They spent the weekend with Ann and visited the beach in Galveston for a bit. Most importantly, they accompanied Ann on her successful hunt for a wig – a task for which I am not well suited.

I will return to Houston Thursday evening and we meet with the doctor on Friday to learn the results of the MRI and bone scans. The kids will join us on Friday evening or Saturday morning. Everyone is genuinely looking forward to the family reunion.

From Dallas:
Hannah had a MRI on her knee on Wednesday. Drew had a blood test for his liver on Thursday (Its ok!); he visits the cardiologist on Monday. Paul had a bone marrow biopsy on Friday. Please pray for Matt.

I stayed home from Houston this weekend to rest my heart.

Plays of the Week:
  • Joan, Laurie, and Hannah visiting Ann and helping her bag an awesome wig.
  • Meals, groceries, gift cards, and airline tickets from family, friends, neighbors, and soccer moms.
  • Going to breakfast with each of the kids prior to their doctor’s appointments.
Prayer Requests:
  • That the results of Ann’s MRI and bone scans would confirm that the cancer has not spread to her bones.
  • That the results of the kid’s tests would be negative and no follow up would be required.
  • That Howard’s heart (figuratively and physically) would stay strong.
  • That God would heal Ann so that she would live to know her grandchildren.

1 Corinthians 10:13:
No trial has overtaken you that is not faced by others.
And God is faithful: he will not let you be tested beyond what you are able to bear.
But with the trial will also provide a way out
so that you may be able to endure it.

Believing that His word is true,
Howard & Ann

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Separation Anxiety, Part 2 (9/10/2006)

Hello from Houston,

We are back at M.D. Anderson this evening as Ann is receiving her fourth and final chemo infusion for this first cycle. She returns tomorrow evening to receive a high-priced neulasta shot, which will help rebuild her immune system. Thankfully, Ann will also get to leave her "back pack" behind tomorrow night. (She has been carrying one of her "medicines" with her in order for it to drip continuously for 72 hours.) She will then have two weeks off before another cycle starts.

Ann continues to do remarkably well. For the most part she has not had any nausea. She is just kind of tired. We are so thankful for your passionate and persistent prayers.

I will make the four hour trip back to Dallas in the morning and head straight to work. I hope to eat dinner with the kids tomorrow evening. I will return Friday afternoon with at least one of the kids.

Ann is in great hands here in Houston. We are staying with old friends that we just met. A neighbor will run Ann to M.D. Anderson for her blood work every other day.

Feel free to give Ann a call next week on her cell phone, especially if you are on Cingular or if it is after 7:00 pm (free minutes!).

Plays of the Day:

  • A third grader in our host's (Sue) Sunday School class spontaneously suggested that her classmates bring their spare change next week to help us with parking expenses at M.D. Anderson.
  • Our home Bible study group in Dallas prayed with us over the phone at the start of their meeting. We could not travel this road without their love and support.

Prayer Requests:

  • That Ann will be emotionally strong while separated from the kids and me.
  • That Howard will be patient with the kids this week, even though tired.
  • That Ann will be emotionally prepared for the MRI on Wednesday and that there will be no sign of cancer in her bones.
  • That God will heal Ann so that she can know her grandchildren.

Psalm 103:2-5:
Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits--
who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

Thanks for all of the cards and emails. We may not have a chance to answer them, but know that they are a great encouragement to us. Thanks especially for your prayers.

In Christ,
Howard & Ann

Friday, September 8, 2006

Why even bother to pray? (9/8/2006)

Hello to All,

A few months ago I had a rare deep thought:

"Since God is sovereign, knows the future, and has everything planned, then prayer is an exercise for relating to him. When we pray for others, we fellowship with God and will be blessed for serving others. However, it doesn't make an ultimate difference in any outcome."

Fortunately, my deep thoughts are rare. Perhaps I was punch-drunk from suffering a heart attack the day after graduation from seminary and dealing with Ann's on-again, off-again, on-again threat of cancer. Perhaps it just the logical conclusion of one who focuses in God's sovereignty without appreciating his intimacy.

I still steadfastly hold to the first and second sentence. However, thanks to all of you I have had to eat the words of the third sentence and confess my lack of faith.

Wednesday evening Ann was very apprehensive about the procedure for inserting the CVC lines (semi-permanent IV) and for starting the infusion of chemo into her system. It's no longer a bad dream from which we hope to awaken, but our reality. Yesterday, you prayed for Ann to courageously face the first chemo treatment. She was calm all day. The insertion of the CVC line went well and she wasn't fearful. Then the infusion almost seemed like a non-event. Ann didn't wig out or even cry. Her peace was truly beyond understanding. Yesterday's outcome was impacted by your prayers.

If this was the first time that we had seen God answer specific prayer in the last few months then I could write it off as coincidental. I have seen enough to know that fervent prayer impacts the outcome of our lives. I am encouraged to pray with more confidence about our situation, and about the sufferings of family and friends.

Please be encouraged to pray for your and our situation with boldness.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for Ann's continued good response to the chemo. So far so good. No nausea or other side effects. She will be receiving chemo through Sunday evening.
  • Please pray for Ann's complete healing so that she can know our grandchildren.

James 5:16:
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

Thanks for standing with us.

In His love,
Howard & Ann

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Discouraged, but Steadfast (9/7/2006)


This is the latest from Houston.

The Storm:
We received great news from last week's tests - no sign of cancer in the lungs or the cavity where the spleen was. Also, the fluid in her chest cavity had not returned.

Unfortunately, we also received some discouraging news. "Too many to count" was the report's description concerning the cancerous lesions on her liver. Also, the doctor is suspicious that the cancer has spread to her bones in the pelvic region and in her spine. Ann will have some more tests in the next few weeks to verify this suspicion.

Ann starts chemo this afternoon around 3:00 pm. One chemo will be slowly dripped for 72 hours. The other will be received once per day for four days.

Play of the Day:
I started a new computer consulting job in March ( Little did I know what a God-send this job was. Not only am I no longer self-employed, but the environment is very supportive. I work with great people.

I had already used up more than my allotted vacation time due to my heart attack in May, so I was concerned how this time in Houston would affect things. Tuesday, I received word that several people had donated some of their vacation time to me. This is particular amazing because some of the folks work in Florida, and I have not even met them.

Prayer Requests:

Courage to face the chemo this afternoon. I'm sure the first one is the most difficult emotionally. Healing in God's time and way so that Ann can know her grandchildren.

Psalm 112:7:
He will have no fear of bad news.
His heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.

Thank you for standing with us.

In His love,
Howard & Ann

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Separation Anxiety (9/5/2006)


We had a productive, but difficult trip to M.D. Anderson last Friday.

The Storm:
We really liked the doctor as she was confident, competent, and compassionate. She specializes in sarcomas and feels that Ann's cancer, even though aggressive, is treatable. It should be responsive to the chemo and it is possible for the tumors to stabilize, shrink, or even disappear. Unfortunately, since the cancer is aggressive, it can also return quickly after chemo treatments have ended. If this happens another regimen of chemo would begin.

We return to Houston on Tuesday and hope to begin chemotherapy on Thursday. The treatment is an aggressive three week cycle consisting of one week of chemo and two weeks of recovery. We are expecting 6-8 cycles in this first regimen.

Because of the toxic nature of the chemo, Ann will need to be under her oncologist's watchful eye in Houston. Therefore, Ann will live in Houston for the first four weeks and then one week out of three after that. As you might image this separation will be painful for all.

God's Goodness:
We are looking for God's hand in all of this, so we have begun tracking His acts of provision and love as a means of focusing on His goodness to us during this storm. I'll share two from this last week.

On Friday a friend prayed through Psalm 91 on our behalf, asking that we would find refuge in the shadow of his wings through the care of the doctor. At the beginning of our appointment, the doctor saw the photo of our family and asked about our children. At the end of our appointment I attempted to express my gratitude for rescheduling our appointment 19 days earlier. When I became too emotional to speak she held my hand and placed her hand on Ann's to let us know that she understood and cared.

Living in Houston for a month was not what we had anticipated. Yet, God has already provided several offers for housing. In addition, the family that we stayed with introduced us to a mom in her bible study. This woman graciously offered to take Ann to the hospital for blood work, when I am back in Dallas.

Prayer Requests:
  • Pray that God would emotionally strengthen all of us while Ann is in Houston, the kids are in Dallas, and I alternate between the two cities.
  • Pray that God would emotionally strengthen Ann to face the chemo and physically strengthen her body to handle to the chemo.
  • Pray that God would heal Ann in his way and time, so that she can live to know our grandchildren.
Psalm 91:1-4:
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge.
His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

Thank you for your love and prayers,
Howard and Ann